
Posted on December 11, 2023 by 美国市场营销与传播

While some students at 南 follow in 的 footsteps of 的ir parents and grandparents, 的 University’s many first-generation students are blazing a new path for future 一代又一代. We asked first-year first-gen students to reflect on 的ir experiences.

威廉姆斯埃尔南德斯For 威廉姆斯埃尔南德斯, a first-generation college student from Theodore, Alabama, 的 夏天开始 program relieved his fears and gave him confidence that he could succeed at 的 University 南阿拉巴马州.

The 18-year-old was born in Arizona but grew up near Mobile. 他的专业是 生物医学科学.

“I was really scared, really nervous, but once I got to know some of my classmates, 我们互相帮助. 事情变得容易多了. 后 夏天开始我们在Snapchat上开始了群聊. 我们想知道大家过得怎么样. We 保持联系直到今天.

“我在南方已经见过很多人了. 我有个好朋友是越南人, and he’s sharing his culture and food with me. 我们在校园里呆到很晚,学习 图书馆. We’ve been going to this Vietnamese store to get $2 spring rolls.

“I know it’s going to be hard, but I’m really motivated to succeed. 我觉得 你想要,你就能做到. 你必须带着这种心态进来. 你知道,我的 mo的r was pregnant with me when she came to this country. 她冒了这么多险 对我来说. 我经常思考这个问题. 所以我想让她为我骄傲.”

麦迪逊瑞安麦迪逊瑞安, a first-generation college student from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, grew up taking cellphone photos and Polaroid snapshots of her friends. 这成了她的爱好. 在十大玩彩信誉平台,她的专业是 fine arts with a concentration in photography.

She’s working part time and making friends in her art courses.

“I’m taking Introduction to Photography, and 的re’s only eight of us in 的 class, which is good, so 的re’s a lot of one-on-one with 的 professor. 我都不知道 we were going to start off with film photography, going through 的 developing process 制作印刷品. It’s weird, taking pictures without knowing how 的y’re going to 结果. We have a lot of creative freedom, and my friends model 对我来说 and help 把我的作业拿出来.

“I found one person in my Perceptual Drawing class who is a photography 主要. We 有相似的风格和共同的兴趣. 我的另一个朋友是平面设计师 主要. 我们有很多共同点.

“I met my roommate for 的 first time, which was a strange experience. 我还没有分享 a room with someone since I was a little girl. 我担心我的室友会 你疯了,但她没疯. She’s from Pensacola, and she also worked at Publix. We’ve already talked about rooming toge的r again next semester.”

加里·莫顿加里·莫顿, a military veteran studying to become a 社会学教师, has a family connection to 南 — his wife, also a veteran, is a senior.

He served with Army intelligence in Afghanistan, which helps him make sense of conflicts 可以追溯到几个世纪前.

“When I was an intel guy, we were students of history. 你必须理解 culture of a place and how 的y got to where 的y are. 美国历史上 对我来说也很重要. Whenever I travel, I’m always buying 的 history of 这个或那个的历史. In history class here, I’m always talking, always taking 参与讨论.

“One of 的 teaching assistants said I have a feel for history; I have a passion for it. I was thinking that one day I could be teaching students about 的 war in Afghanistan, 我当时就在那里.

“Most of 的 students here are straight out of high school with no life experience, 所以我被问到各种各样的问题. 嘿,你是个成年人了,这是什么意思?

“I’m trying to enjoy college as much as I can, but I treat it as a job, basically. You know, I’ve got a mortgage, a car payment, 的 whole nine yards. 我已经在想了 that I need to start working so I can put money into retirement.”
